English Day

L’alumnat de 3r va endinsar-se en el món de l’Alícia al país de les meravelles a través d’un conte que van explicar diversos pares i mares de l’escola i professorat. Després, van rebre la visita inesperada de l’Alícia que es trobava perduda a Wonderland i els hi va plantejar diversos enigmes. Van haver de convertir-se en gats i per això realitzar una màscara, van haver d’orientar-se pels diversos racons de l’escola convertits en escenes del conte i finalment van construir un mapa amb tot el que havien vist i viscut. A la tarda, l’alumnat de 5è els hi va preparar jocs diversos per a posar en pràctica la llengua anglesa al pati nou de l’escola. Un gran dia ple d’emocions, anglès i interaccions entre alumnat, professorat i famílies.

A 4t. vam rebre la visita d’un pare i una mare que van projectar el conte d’Alice in wonderland. Havien preparat preguntes pels nens i fins i tot van dur nines i material per aclarir la història! En grups de 5, els nens van preparar un lapbook sobre una escena del conte i així, entre les tres classes, es va completar el conte sencer. Els nens van ser molt creatius i es van implicar molt, portant materials, i donant bones idees. Per concloure la diada, va venir la Mango Company a representar l’obra de teatre “Alice in wonderland”, que ja s’havia treballat a classe i que els alumnes van poder seguir i gaudir, ja que era molt divertida. Sense cap dubte, un dia per compartir i repetir.

Pupils from 3rd discovered the Alice in Wonderland tale. Parents and teachers explained the story and they also helped them during the day. Then, Alice visited them and she explained that she was lost in Wonderland. They had to become cats by creating a mask; they also had to orient themselves through the different scenes around the school. Finally, they created a map for Alice and they gave it to her. In the afternoon, they played different games in the new playground that were organised by 5th grade pupils. That day was full of feelings, English and interactions between pupils, teachers and families.

In 4th Year,  two students’ parents showed a projection of the tale Alice in Wonderland. They asked questions to the kids and they re-told the story through their own material, such as dolls, toys and so on. They were really careful about making themselves understood! In groups of 5, the students prepared a lapbook about one of the scenes of the tale. Thus the whole of it was completed. The pupils were extremely creative and involved in the activity: they brought materials and good ideas to the process. To finish, the Mango Company performed the play “Alice in wonderland”, which had been worked on in class previously. The students could follow the plot and enjoyed it very much because it was really  funny. Doubtless to say, it was a day to be shared with  children and families and to be repeated.

1 comentari:

  1. va ser molt divertit i em va agradar molt i va vindere la meva tieta!!!!!!!


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